Why isn't my HTV (heat transfer vinyl) not adhering to my garment correctly?

Common Heat Transfer Vinyl Mistakes and how to fix them!

Have you ever pressed heat transfer vinyl (HTV) to a garment and then noticed it is not properly adhered after wear or wash?
While this problem is a little frustrating, it is easily fixable, and with a little troubleshooting, practice and experience, you can prevent this common problem from happening in the future.

Not Enough Pressure

First things first, the most common reason your HTV may not be sticking to your t-shirt, hoodie or whatever else you’re applying it to, may be because you’re not using enough pressure. pressure is important.

Without it, your HTV projects may not be as long lasting as you would like.

Improper Press Time or Temp 

Pressure is definitely important when it comes to your designs adhering to your garments, but so is the press time and temperature. If you don't press long enough or at a high enough temperature, you likely won't get the material hot enough to release its adhesive so it will stick to the fabric once cooled.

Layered the Wrong Materials

Another common mistake you may have made is layering the wrong HTV materials.

While some of our materials, like our popular SEF Rocket cut vinyl, can easily be layered, Other materials like glitter and flock are thicker materials, need to be applied directly to the garment to ensure they stick and stay put.

Be sure you check with us at Amaya before layering your materials so you don't waste any material and time,

While it may (or may not) adhere at first, a material that is improperly layered will most likely come off very quickly after wash and wear.

Pockets, Zippers, Buttons or Designs are in Your Way 

When you're pressing your HTV, you need flat, even pressure on the entire design so it adheres with the garment. Fabric seams, zipper, buttons and garment details could all be preventing you from getting the even pressure you need.

If this is happening, place a pressing pillow or towel underneath your fabric to raise the material to meet the seams and create a flat surface.

Or try hanging the offending seams or zippers off the press if you can.

Forgot about a Final Press

Did you forget to press your HTV design for a full, final press before you finished? If not, that could be a culprit for HTV that is peeling up. Before you take your garment off the press, make sure you go over the entire design once more with heat to ensure every layer and piece is firmly adhered to whatever you’re pressing on.

When using a heat press, we recommend to do a final press for 3-5 seconds, to fully adhere the HTV to the garment.

Low Quality Products

If you have tried these tips but are still having issues, it may be the heat transfer vinyl itself. Some HTV does not last as long as others. Make sure you’re working with high quality products and using the correct heat and time settings so you can create one of a kind projects that last.